

我需要向 PHP 应用程序发出 PATCH 请求.

I need to make a PATCH request to a PHP application.

如何从该应用程序内的 PATCH 请求中获取数据?

How can I get the data from that PATCH request inside that application?

如果我必须使用 POST 来完成,那只是对全局 $_POST 变量的简单访问.

If I had to do it with a POST, it would just be a simple access to the global $_POST variable.


您可以通过 php://input 流包装器:​​

You can get data with php://input stream wrapper:

$data = file_get_contents('php://input');

还要确保您的 Web 服务器支持 PATCH 请求,有些配置为仅响应 GET 和 POST.

Also make sure your web server supports PATCH requests, some are configured to respond only to GET and POST.


06-27 00:31