

我正在尝试使用Elexol USBIO24.它具有24个I/O引脚,可以将其设置为高电平或低电平或用作输入.提供的代码示例在VB中,并且我认为我没有将其正确转换为C#.



MSComm1.CommPort = 3‘设置此数字,如设备管理器中所示
MSComm1.InputMode = comInputModeBinary‘设置二进制输入模式
MSComm1.PortOpen = True‘打开端口


要将引脚I/O1,I/O2和I/O3设置为输入,将其余引脚设置为输出,您只需将输入引脚1 + 2 + 4 = 7的位值相加,然后将其值放置在IOValx变量中在下面的示例代码中是7.

IOValA = 7’前3个输入将所有其余部分作为输出
IOValB = 0‘所有输出
IOValC = 0‘所有输出
MSComm1.Output =!A" + Chr $(IOValA)''写入端口A方向寄存器
MSComm1.Output =!B" + Chr $(IOValB)''写入端口B方向寄存器
MSComm1.Output =!C" + Chr $(IOValC)''写入端口C方向寄存器


IOValB = 128‘I/O8高,其余所有低

MSComm1.Output ="B" + Chr $(IOValB)



I''m trying to work with an Elexol USBIO24. It has 24 I/O pins that can be set high or low, or used for input. The code samples provided are in VB, and I don''t think I''m converting it to C# properly.

Their datasheet has this:

Opening the Port
As the USBIO24 unit uses binary data transfer we must use the port in binary mode.
If the port number is incorrect or the USBIO24 module is not connected then VB will generate an error.

MSComm1.CommPort = 3 ‘ Set this number as shown in the Device Manager
MSComm1.InputMode = comInputModeBinary ‘ Set Binary Input Mode
MSComm1.PortOpen = True ‘ Open the Port

Setting the pins as Inputs or Outputs
Setting the Ports as Input or Output you must determine the value for the pins you want set as inputs.

To set pins I/O1, I/O2 and I/O3 as inputs and the remaining pins as outputs you simply add the bit values of the input pins 1 + 2 + 4 = 7 and thus the value to be placed in the IOValx variable in the following example code is 7.

‘ Set I/O1, I/O2 & I/O3 of port A to inputs and the rest as outputs.
IOValA = 7 ‘ First 3 inputs all the rest as outputs
IOValB = 0 ‘ All outputs
IOValC = 0 ‘ All outputs
MSComm1.Output = "!A" + Chr$(IOValA) '' Write to Port A Direction Register
MSComm1.Output = "!B" + Chr$(IOValB) '' Write to Port B Direction Register
MSComm1.Output = "!C" + Chr$(IOValC) '' Write to Port C Direction Register

Writing to the Ports
To write to the Output Pins simple repeat the Above without the ! character.
The following example code sets the I/O8 pin on port B to high and the remaining pins as low.

IOValB = 128 ‘ I/O8 high, all the rest low

MSComm1.Output = "B" + Chr$(IOValB)

Can anyone point me toward the equivalent C# for the VB here?



08-22 17:24