


While compiling some code I noticed big differences in the assembler created between -O0 and -O1. I wanted to run through enabling/disabling optimisations until I found out what was causing a certain change in the assembler.


If I use -fverbose-asm to find out exactly which flags O1 is enabling compared to O0, and then disable them manually, why is the assembler produced still so massively different? Even if I run gcc with O0 and manually add all the flags that fverbose-asm said were enabled with O1, I don't get the same assembler that I would have got just by using O1.

除了'-f ...'和'-m ...'之外,是否还有其他可以更改的内容?

Is there anything apart from '-f...' and '-m...' that can be changed?


Or is is just that 'O1' has some magic compared with 'O0' that cannot be turned off.

很抱歉,它与有关,在此期间减少了堆栈的使用使用GCC + ARM进行递归,但是提到它使这个问题有点难以理解.

Sorry for the crypticness - this was related to Reducing stack usage during recursion with GCC + ARM however the mention of it was making the question a bit hard to understand.



If all you want is to see which passes are enabled at O1 which are not enabled at O0 you could run something like:

gcc -O0 test.c -fdump-tree-all -da
ls > O0
rm -f test.c.*
gcc -O1 test.c -fdump-tree-all -da
ls > O1
diff O0 O1


A similar process, using the set of flags which you discovered, will let you see what extra magic passes not controlled by flags are undertaken by GCC at O1.


A less messy way might be to compare the output of -fdump-passes, which will list which passes are ON or OFF to stderr.


gcc -O0 test.c -fdump-passes |& grep ON > O0
gcc -O1 test.c -fdump-passes |& grep ON > O1
diff O0 O1


07-08 08:57