


We're using Amazon EC2, and we want to put an ELB (load balancer) to 2 instances on a private subnet. If we just add the private subnet to the ELB, it will not get any connections, if we attach both subnets to the ELB then it can access the instances, but it often will get time-outs. Has anyone successfully implemented an ELB within the private subnet of their VPC? If so, could you perhaps explain the procedure to me?



我的队友,我只是已经实施ELB的VPC在不同的可用区2个私人子网。你得到超时的原因是,为您添加到负载平衡器每个子网,它得到一个外部IP地址。 (尝试'挖ELB-DNS名,在这里',你会看到多个IP地址)。如果这些IP地址中的一个映射专用子网,它就会超时。映射的IP到公共子网会工作。由于DNS可能会给你的IP地址中的任何一个,有时工作,有时超时。

My teammate and I just have implemented ELB in a VPC with 2 private subnets in different availability zones. The reason you get timeouts is that for each subnet you add to the load balancer, it gets one external IP address. (try 'dig elb-dns-name-here' and you will see several IP addresses). If one of these IP address maps a private subnet, it will timeout. The IP that maps into your public subnet will work. Because DNS may give you any one of the IP addresses, sometimes it works, sometimes it times out.


After some back and forth with amazon, we discovered that the ELB should only be placed in 'public' subnets, that is subnets that have a route out to the Internet Gateway. We wanted to keep our web servers in our private subnets but allow the ELB to talk to them. To solve this, we had to ensure that we had a corresponding public subnet for each availability zone in which we had private subnets. We then added to the ELB, the public subnets for each availability zone.


At first, this didn't seem to work, but after trying everything, we recreated the ELB and everything worked as it should. I think this is a bug, or the ELB was just in an odd state from so many changes.


Here is more or less what we did:

  1. 在Web服务器-1运行在PrivateSubnet-1的可用性区美东-1B与安全组称为Web服务器。
  2. 在Web服务器-2运行在PrivateSubnet-2的可用性区美东-1C与安全组称为Web服务器。
  3. 创建一个公共子网中区美东-1B,我们把它叫做PublicSubnet-1。我们保证,我们相关的路由表,其中包括与此新的子网的路由到Internet网关(IG-XXXXX)。 (如果您使用向导创建一个公共/私人VPC,这条路已经存在。)
  4. 创建一个公共子网中区美东-1C,我们把它叫做PublicSubnet-2。我们保证,我们相关的路由表,其中包括与此新的子网的路由到Internet网关(IG-XXXXX)。 (如果您使用向导创建一个公共/私人VPC,这条路已经存在。)
  5. 创建一个新的ELB,增加了它PublicSubnet-1和PublicSubnet-2(不是PrivateSubnet-X)。而且,采摘实例在ELB运行,在这种情况下,Web服务器-1和Web服务器-2。确信指定一个安全组,允许进入的端口80和443。让我们把这个组ELB组。
  6. 在网络服务器组,允许端口80和443从ELB组的流量。



09-23 18:42