I am trying to use different tools for analyzing query performance for CosmosDB (MongoDB). I have seen following issues.
1. MongoDB Compass可以连接到CosmosDB,但不能加载数据库信息.
1. MongoDB Compass can connect to CosmosDB but cannot load DB information.
2. CosmosDB不支持打开数据库性能分析
2. Turning on DB profiling is not supported on CosmosDB
3. db.collection.find({}).explain("executionStats")不会显示有关列扫描或索引扫描的任何信息.
3. db.collection.find({}).explain("executionStats") does not reveal any information about column scan or index scan.
4. Robomongo可以工作,但是它只是一个数据浏览器.它不显示索引信息等.
4. Robomongo works but its just a data explorer. It does not show index information etc.
Are there any other ways to do query performance analysis in CosmosDB?
尽管我们正在努力使Mongo DB与用于Cosmos DB的Mongo API之间保持同等地位,但用于Cosmos DB的Mongo API当前不支持Mongo DB中当前存在的所有功能.
The Mongo API for Cosmos DB does not currently support all the features+functionality currently found in Mongo DB, although we are working to gain parity between Mongo DB and Mongo API for Cosmos DB.
There are a couple Mongo specific client application we do have documented:
Azure Cosmos DB:将Studio 3T与MongoDB API帐户一起使用
将Robomongo与Azure Cosmos DB结合使用:适用于MongoDB帐户的API
如果您要查看特定的建议或功能,请向Azure Cosmos DB用户语音.
If there are specific recommendations or functionality you would like to see, please make a product recommendation to theAzure Cosmos DB User Voice.
Please let us know what additional questions you have that were not answered here.