本文介绍了Fluentd SSL/TLS 保护 TCP 输出插件到通用接收器(Logstash)?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我一直在寻找用于 tcp 的 fluentd 输出插件,它也是 ssl 安全的,不会强制我的接收器来自特定类型.就我而言,我的接收者是 logstash.

I've been looking for a while for fluentd output plugin for tcp which is also ssl secured that doesn't force my receiver to be from a specific kind.In my case, my receiver is logstash.


Here are a few of the plugins which came close (close but no cigar):

转发输出 - 不支持 ssl 连接.

Forward Output - not supporting ssl connection.

安全转发输出 - 仅将数据发送到另一个 fluentd 接收器.

Secure Forward Output - sends data only to another fluentd receiver.

有些是 https 插件,有些是特定的服务插件(需要某种令牌/用户/密码).

Some were https plugins and some were specific service plugins (which required a token/user/password of some kind).


Is there any other plugin i can use? maybe with some workaround?



After spending days on searching for an existing plugin, I decided that there is none and I shall write it myself!

fluent-plugin-loomsystems用于安全 TCP 转发的 fluentd 输出插件 :)

fluent-plugin-loomsystemsA fluentd output plugin for secured TCP forwarding :)

要将插件添加到您的 fluentd 代理,请使用以下命令:

To add the plugin to your fluentd agent, use the following command:

gem install fluent-plugin-loomsystems

要匹配事件并将它们发送到您想要的任何地方,只需将以下代码添加到您的 fluentd 配置文件中即可.

To match events and send them anywhere you'd like, simply add the following code to your fluentd configuration file.

<match **>
  @type loomsystems
  host <your-beloved-host>

重启 Fluentd 后,所有 Flunetd 事件都将发送到您的主机.

After a restart of Fluentd, all flunetd events will be sent to your host.

该插件默认打开一个新的 ssl 连接,但可以配置为在非安全 tcp 模式下发送.

The plugin opens a new ssl connection by default but can be configured to send on a non secured tcp mode.

<match tag-life.**>
  @type loomsystems
  host <your-beloved-host>
  use_ssl false


I welcome you to star, suggest, and contribute the plugin, enjoy :)

这篇关于Fluentd SSL/TLS 保护 TCP 输出插件到通用接收器(Logstash)?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

05-20 21:44