本文介绍了C ++ FSM设计和所有权的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I would like to implement a FSM/"pushdown automaton" parser for this syntax: parser with scopes and conditionals which has already been "lexed" into Finite State Machine parser


class State
    virtual State* event( const string &token );
    State* deleteDaughter();
    A* m_parent;
    A* m_daughter;
class SomeState : public State
    State* event( const std::string &token );

使用Bevent()(在许多if-elseif之后)return m_parent->deleteDaughter().我知道这很腥(并且崩溃了),但是我需要一种方法来从女儿State返回父亲State,并确保女儿State没有泄漏.

With B's event() doing (after many if-elseif's) return m_parent->deleteDaughter(). I know this is fishy (and it crashes), but I need way to return the parent State from the daughter State and make sure the daughter State isn't leaked.


while( somestringstream >> token )
    state = state->event();


Before you scold the design and last piece of code, I tried extending a much too simple example from here, which seems pretty ok. I am moving the decision part to the states themselves, for clarity and brevity.


I understand there's loads of books on this subject, but I'm no computer scientist/programmer and I want to learn to do this myself (of course, with the help of all the friendly people at SO). If the concept isn't clear, please ask. Thanks!



Feel free to still post your take on this, but I have figured out how to handle everything gracefully:


First: my event loop will keep a pointer to the last State* created.


Second: Each State has a pointer to the parent State, initialized in the constructor, defaulting to 0 (memory leak if used for anything but the first State*); this guarantees that no State will go out of scope.

第三项:State* endOfState()函数正是这样做的(我为此感到特别自豪.

Third: State* endOfState() function which does exactly this (and I'm particularly proud of this.

State* State::endOfState()
    State* parent = m_parent; // keep member pointer after suicide
    delete this;
    return parent;


When this is called from within a subclass's event(), it will properly delete itself, and return the parent pointer (going one up in the ladder).


If this still contains a leak, please inform me. If the solution is not clear, please ask :)

PS:为了公平起见,灵感来自 http://www .codeguru.com/forum/showthread.php?t = 179284

PS: for all fairness, inspiration was stolen from http://www.codeguru.com/forum/showthread.php?t=179284

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07-18 05:49