本文介绍了获取使用SPARQL dbpedia的人员列表的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在使用来检索人员列表。我正在上执行 sparql查询,以获得结果。我已固定查询中的偏移量和极限值,并在每次尝试10000次后获得记录 。但是当我尝试以 580000偏移量值执行时,发生了 504网关超时错误

I am using live-dbpedia to retrieve the list of persons. I am executing a sparql query on live-dbpedia endpoints to get the result.I have fixed the offset and limit value in the query and getting the records after each 10000 attempt. But when I was trying to execute at 580000 offset value, 504 Gateway Time-out error happens.

不起作用 SPARQL查询:

Not Working SPARQL Query:

SELECT DISTINCT ?dbpedia_link str(?name) as ?label str(?label1) as ?label1 ?freebase_link WHERE {
        ?dbpedia_link rdfs:label ?label1 . 
        ?dbpedia_link foaf:name ?name .
         { ?dbpedia_link rdf:type dbpedia-owl:Person }                            
        OPTIONAL {?dbpedia_link owl:sameAs ?freebase_link .
        FILTER regex(?freebase_link, "^http://rdf.freebase.com") .}
        FILTER (lang(?label1) = 'en'). 
        ?dbpedia_link dcterms:subject ?sub 
        }Limit 1000
        OFFSET 580000

工作中 SPARQL查询:

Working SPARQL Query :

SELECT DISTINCT ?dbpedia_link str(?name) as ?label str(?label1) as ?label1 ?freebase_link WHERE {
            ?dbpedia_link rdfs:label ?label1 . 
            ?dbpedia_link foaf:name ?name .
             { ?dbpedia_link rdf:type dbpedia-owl:Person }                            
            OPTIONAL {?dbpedia_link owl:sameAs ?freebase_link .
            FILTER regex(?freebase_link, "^http://rdf.freebase.com") .}
            FILTER (lang(?label1) = 'en'). 
            ?dbpedia_link dcterms:subject ?sub 
            }Limit 1000
            OFFSET 50000




Put a delay between your requests. There is a rate limit in the live endpoint and this is the error you get when you exceed it. There is also a short timeout to make the service more available.


(Disclaimer: I am responsible for the service)

这篇关于获取使用SPARQL dbpedia的人员列表的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-23 14:59