


Are there are production quality nosql stores that I can use on a production system. I have looked at cassandra, tokyodb, couchdb etc but none of them seem to be ready for deployments on production like environments. I am talking thousands of requests per minute and lots of reads/writes/updates. My only concern is speed and service times. Does anybody know of production systems that use nosql stores effectively ? Does anybody know of a nosql store that is backed by a big enterprise like Google/Yahoo/ IBM ?


Cassandra每台计算机每秒钟 处理成千上万的请求(包括大部分为写操作的工作负载),并按添加比例进行扩展-从第一天起就开始有机器了.

Cassandra handles thousands of requests (including write-mostly workloads) per second, per machine, and its scaling-by-adding-machines has been there since day 1.

以下是有关数十家公司在生产和即将生产中使用Cassandra的话题: http://n2.nabble.com/Cassandra-users-survey-td4040068.html#a4040068

Here is a thread about Cassandra use in production and in-production-soon at dozens of companies: http://n2.nabble.com/Cassandra-users-survey-td4040068.html#a4040068

我们还一直在添加更多文档,例如 http://wiki.apache.org/cassandra/操作.

We're also adding more docs all the time, like http://wiki.apache.org/cassandra/Operations.


09-05 01:17