YouTube 是否开始锁定跨源请求?
未能在 'DOMWindow' 上执行 'postMessage':提供的目标来源 ('https://www.youtube.com') 与收件人窗口的来源不匹配 ('https://tbrogames.github.io').
我尝试在 http 和 https 之间更改主机,看看是否能解决它,但没有.
他们还使用 YouTube 视频作为英雄/启动视频;它不再起作用,抛出同样的错误.
然而,这已经工作了很长时间,我没有更改任何代码.这就是为什么我认为这是 YouTube 做出的改变.
我认为该错误实际上具有误导性.我遇到了同样的问题,但我相信实际上是 chrome 不再自动播放英雄.我收到此错误:Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: play() failed because the user didn't have to interact with the document first.
我的解决方法是在 Javascript 之前 播放视频时调用视频静音.具有相同属性的嵌入的 iframe 版本不会自动播放
Has YouTube started locking down cross origin requests?
I am using a fullscreen autoplay hero video on my website and it has been functioning correctly for a long time. Within the last couple weeks it stopped working and I have the following error in the logs.
Per the answer on this question
I tried changing the host between http and https to see if that would fix it and it didn't.
My website that throws the error: https://tbrogames.github.io/
I was able to find a bigger games website that also has this exact issue.https://playbattlegrounds.com/main.pu
They are also using a youtube video as the hero/splash video; and it no longer functions, throwing the same error.
The relevant javascript can be found herehttps://github.com/tbrogames/tbrogames.github.io/blob/master/js/defer.js
However, this was working for a long time and I didn't change any of the code. Which is why I'm thinking that it is a change that YouTube has made.
I think that error is actually misleading. I had the same issue, but I believe that it is actually chrome that is no longer autoplaying the hero. I get this error: Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: play() failed because the user didn't interact with the document first.
The fix for me was calling mute on the video in Javascript Before playing the video. The iframe version of the embed with the same properties would not autoplay
// 2. This code loads the IFrame Player API code asynchronously.
var tag = document.createElement('script');
tag.src = "https://www.youtube.com/iframe_api";
var firstScriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
firstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore(tag, firstScriptTag);
// 3. This function creates an <iframe> (and YouTube player)
// after the API code downloads.
var player;
function onYouTubeIframeAPIReady() {
player = new YT.Player('ythero', {
videoId: '3FjTef9gn3Q',
height: '100%',
width: '100%',
playerVars: {
rel: 0,
controls: 0,
showinfo: 0,
autoplay: 1,
loop: 1,
playlist: '3FjTef9gn3Q',
modestbranding: 1
events: {
'onReady': onPlayerReady,
// 4. The API will call this function when the video player is ready.
function onPlayerReady(event) {
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