


I have this R function to generate a matrix of all combinations of k numbers between 0 and n whose sum equals n. This is one of the bottlenecks of my program as it becomes extremely slow even with small numbers (because it is computing the power set)


sum.comb <-
function(n,k) {

 ls1 <- list()                           # generate empty list
 for(i in 1:k) {                        # how could this be done with apply?
    ls1[[i]] <- 0:n                      # fill with 0:n
 allc <- as.matrix(expand.grid(ls1))     # generate all combinations, already using the built in function
 colnames(allc) <- NULL
 index <- (rowSums(allc) == n)       # make index with only the ones that sum to n
 allc[index, ,drop=F]                   # matrix with only the ones that sum to n



It is hard to tell if it will be useful unless you answer my question regarding your typical values for n and k (please do.) Here is a version using recursion that seems to be faster than josilber's using his benchmark test:

sum.comb3 <- function(n, k) {

   stopifnot(k > 0L)

   REC <- function(n, k) {
      if (k == 1L) list(n) else
      unlist(lapply(0:n, function(i)Map(c, i, REC(n - i, k - 1L))),
             recursive = FALSE)

   matrix(unlist(REC(n, k)), ncol = k, byrow = TRUE)

microbenchmark(sum.comb(3, 10), sum.comb2(3, 10), sum.comb3(3, 10))
# Unit: milliseconds
#              expr      min       lq   median       uq      max neval
#  sum.comb2(3, 10) 39.55612 40.60798 41.91954 44.26756 70.44944   100
#  sum.comb3(3, 10) 25.86008 27.74415 28.37080 29.65567 34.18620   100


05-27 07:51