


1) 使用信用卡付款时,用户填写他/她的名字和姓氏

1) When making payment with credit card user puts in the form his/her first name and last name

2) 如果输入的名字和姓氏与卡片上的名字和姓氏(打印")不匹配 - 我们(我自己或条纹)拒绝交易.

2) If first and last name entered to not match first and last name ("printed") on the card - we (myself or stripe) reject transaction.

正如我在示例中看到的 (https://stripe.com/docs/custom-form#step-1-collecting-credit-card-information),创建新令牌 Stripe.js 仅使用:卡号、到期时间 (MM/YY)、CVC.

As I see in examples (https://stripe.com/docs/custom-form#step-1-collecting-credit-card-information), to create new token Stripe.js uses only: Card Number, Expiration (MM/YY), CVC.

我的后端使用 Java.正如我所见,'Charge' 对象和 'Customer' 没有诸如名字"、姓氏"之类的属性

My back-end is on Java. As I see, neither 'Charge' object, nor 'Customer' do not have properties such as 'first name', 'last name'

在 Quora 上,我找到了来自 Stripe 员工的回答,说这是可能的:

On Quora I found an answer from a Stripe employee, stating that it is possible:

您还可以向我们发送更多数据,例如帐单地址和持卡人姓名.Stripe 可以比较用户输入的账单地址客户反对在他们的银行存档的那个.这也是一个有用的用于确定付款是否由付款人进行的指标真正的持卡人."





Unfortunately, most banks don't provide any way to verify the cardholder's name. This tends to surprise people, since most merchants do request the cardholder's name.

通过信用卡网络发送消息的主要标准 ISO8583 甚至没有包含一个字段来传输持卡人姓名.

The main standard for sending messages over the credit card networks, ISO8583, doesn't even contain a field to transmit the cardholder name.

大多数商家倾向于使用 CVC 和地址进行验证,因为地址验证 (AVS) 在许多国家/地区都可用.

Most merchants tend to use the CVC and address for verification, since address verification (AVS) is usable in many countries.



10-23 18:18