我想将一组 NSDictionary
I want to write set of NSDictionary
data into NFC tag and get when they tap NFC Stickers.
如何从我的iOS应用程序中编写NFC标签数据?搜索谷歌后,我找不到任何将我的iOS应用程序中的数据写入NFC标签的参考。 Google提供的示例仅用于通过iOS11应用阅读NFC标签。但iTunes中的一些应用程序可以选择读取和写入NFC标签数据。他们是怎么做到的?
How to write NFC tag data from my iOS app? After searching Google I can't find any reference to write data from my iOS app to NFC tag. Samples given by Google is only for reading NFC tag by iOS11 app. But some of the app in iTunes have option to both read and write NFC tag data. How they did it?
你无法从iOS写入NFC标签,只能读取。在Apple的Core NFC文档中,它声明您只能阅读NFC NDEF标签,并且只能在iPhone 7和7 plus设备上阅读(假设还支持8和X)
You cannot write to an NFC tag from iOS, only read. In the Core NFC documentation from Apple it's stated you can only read NFC NDEF tags, and only on iPhone 7 and 7 plus devices (assuming 8 and X are also supported)
您在App Store中找到的应用程序要求您使用外置蓝牙NFC读卡器。
The apps you are finding in the App Store require you to use an external Bluetooth NFC reader.