本文介绍了如何设置复杂的 Java 开发基础架构?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



我正在寻找一个完整的 Java 开发基础架构,其中集成了:

I'm looking for a complete java development infrastructure with an integration of:

  • an IDE like eclipse,
  • a build system like Maven,
  • a version control system like subversion,
  • a continuous integration server like Hudson,
  • a repository manager like Nexus,
  • an automated release plugin like Maven Release Plugin.


  • 预定义的多组件项目结构


  • an issue manager like Jira,
  • an integration with an open source hoster like sourceforge.


Evaluating all these systems could take a long time, making the setup of a running infrastructure a job of a month or longer.

在工作中我准备单独设置每个系统,但对于我在家里的私人开发,我希望有类似 Devware - 一个开发环境虚拟设备(不幸的是我没有找到下载链接),所有的东西都已经安装好并且可以运行了.

At work I'm ready to setup each system individually, but for my private development at home I'd like to have something like Devware - A development environment virtual appliance (unfortunately I didn't find a download link) where everything is already installed and functional.


So, could you please give me some advice which combinations create a working infrastructure? Or even better where to find a preconfigured development infrastructure?


PS: I'm not committed to any of the named products, so feel free to suggest alternatives if they match better.


如果您想避免一些集成难题,请查看 SecureCI,它是集成堆栈中各种开源产品的免费下载.

If you're looking to avoid some integration pains, check out SecureCI, which is a free download of various open-source products in an integrated stack.


SecureCI™ 为组织提供了一套集成的开源工具,有助于软件构建、测试和部署过程的自动化.通过集成安全代码分析和 Web 安全测试技术,SecureCI 扩展了持续集成,将自动化安全分析和应用程序安全测试也纳入其中.


The current version bundles these tools:

  • 项目管理
    • 跟踪 (0.11.5)
    • 声纳 (1.10.1)
    • ratproxy (1.58)
    • 颠覆 (1.4.6)
    • 哈德逊 (1.322)
    • Apache Ant (1.7.1)
    • Apache Maven (2.2.1)
    • Sonatype Nexus (1.3.6)
    • JUnit (4.6)
    • Cobertura (1.9.2)
    • Selenium 遥控器 (1.0.1)
    • Checkstyle (5.0)
    • 查找错误 (1.3.8)
    • PMD (4.2.5)
    • JDepend (2.9)

    就 IDE 集成而言,更高版本的 Eclipse 现在与 Mylyn 集成,这提供了一个以任务为中心的 API,用于连接各种工具.
    可以使用 连接器安装向导安装 Trac 集成.

    As far as IDE integrations are concerned, later versions of Eclipse now come integrated with Mylyn, this provides a task focused API for connecting to various tools.
    The Trac integration can be installed with the Connector Install Wizard.

    要使用的其他 Eclipse 集成:

    Other Eclipse integrations to use:

    • Subversion integration: Subclipse and the Subclipse Mylyn integration)
    • Hudson plugin
    • Maven integration: M2Eclipse (also has some Mylyn connectors)
    • Code Coverage: ECLEmma (I find the Cobertura plugin doesn't work too well myself)
    • Selenium plugin
    • Checkstyle plugin
    • Findbugs plugin
    • PMD plugin
    • JDepend plugin or CAP

    这篇关于如何设置复杂的 Java 开发基础架构?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!


09-07 01:45