

我已经开始在最近的项目中使用jHipster,该工具可用于使用Spring Boot后端自动生成REST api应用程序的整个堆栈。

I've started working with jHipster on a recent project which is a tool you can use to autogenerate the full stack of a REST api application using a Spring Boot back end. Which should save a great deal of time writing boilerplate code...


Unfortunately, at my work we have coding standards to adhere to in the form of a set of CheckStyle rules. Any code that does not adhere to these rules causes the build to fail. What I am experiencing at the moment is that this autogenerated code is failing the CheckStyle rules in a large number of places. Currently I am handling this by manually trawling through the code fixing each of the issues.


I can't help feeling in the back of my mind there must be a better way of doing this e.g.:

  • 配置IDE(intelliJ)以确保生成的代码与CheckStyle规则匹配。直接在IDE中进行编码时肯定可以实现。

  • 配置jHipster在自动生成代码之前了解CheckStyle规则。

  • 运行脚本之后可以自动修复任何CheckStyle故障。 (我确定这一定是可行的!)


It would be good to hear if anyone knows what the best way to address this issue might be and if anyone has done something similar in the past.



Suppress violations on all auto-generated files as it is out of your control.

如果文件中包含自动生成的代码,而手动生成的非生成代码则由人工维护。 br />

If you have auto-generated code inside a file with non-generated code that you maintain manually, use comment suppressions.


You shouldn't be styling code you don't write for this exact purpose, you aren't writing it and some utility is and it wasn't built to your style specifications. If you generate the files again, it will undo any manual changes you made.


07-16 09:42