


class MyObj{
  private Timestamp myDate;

  public  Timestamp getMyDate(){
       return mydate;


when I check it by Findbugs, it says:


so, what is the better way to write the getter for Date and Timestamp types in Java?



Date and Timestamp are both mutable, so returning a reference to your Timestamp means the caller can change the internal state of your class. That's only a problem if it's a problem, if that makes sense; if you mean for the caller to be able to modify the state of your object (by modifying the state of the instance field you're returning), that's okay, though it can be the source of relatively subtle bugs. Often, though, you don't mean to allow the caller to do that; hence FindBugs flagging it up.


You have a couple of choices if you want to avoid exposing a reference to a mutable object:

  1. 在返回对象时将其克隆(防御性副本"),以便调用者获得一个副本,而不是原始副本:

  1. Clone the object when returning it (a "defensive copy"), so that the caller gets a copy, not the original:

public Timestamp getMyDate(){
     return new Timestamp(mydate.getTime());

  • 返回一个不可变的类型或基元,而不是可变的类型,例如:

  • Return an immutable type or a primitive instead of a mutable one, for instance:

    public long getMyDate(){
         return mydate.getTime();

  • 根本不使用可变对象.例如,可以使用LocalDateTime或ZonedDateTime代替Timestamp .html"rel =" nofollow noreferrer> java.time ,例如:

  • Don't use a mutable object at all. For instance, instead of Timestamp, you might use LocalDateTime or ZonedDateTime from java.time, e.g.:

    class MyObj{
      private LocalDateTime myDate;
      public LocalDateTime getMyDate(){
           return mydate;
      // ...


    If you need to update the date in your class (let's use the example of adding a day), instead of mutating the object, you replace it with a new one:

    this.mydate = this.myDate.plusDays(1);

  • 这篇关于使用Java中的getter函数返回可变成员变量(日期/时间戳)?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

    08-05 16:31