

我正在查看有关我的代码库的报告,其中一个触发的模式是一个空的同步块(即 synchronized(var){} )。 :

I was looking through a Findbugs report on my code base and one of the patterns that was triggered was for an empty synchronzied block (i.e. synchronized (var) {}). The documentation says:

在我的情况下,它发生是因为块的内容已被注释掉,但是 synchronized 语句仍然存在。在什么情况下空的 synchronized 块可以实现正确的线程语义?

In my case it occurred because the contents of the block had been commented out, but the synchronized statement was still there. In what situations could an empty synchronized block achieve correct threading semantics?



An empty synchronized block will wait until nobody else is using that synchronizer. That may be what you want, but because you haven't protected the subsequent code in the synchronized block, nothing is stopping somebody else from modifying what ever it was you were waiting for while you run the subsequent code. That's almost never what you want.


08-05 16:28