本文介绍了Cakephp 3.2更改默认日期格式的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 我尝试将CakePHP 3.2的默认日期格式从 dd.mm.YYYY 设置为 YYYY-mm-dd ,所以我不必使用 $ MyDatas-> mydate-> format('Ym-d')数据我将日期格式为 dd.mm.YYYY (ex-27.02.2016)。我需要 YYYY-mm-dd (2016-02-27)。 我寻找解决方案,任何更改(以形式或作为视图的一部分: $ MyDatas-> mydate ): // in AppController ini_set('intl.default_locale','pl_PL'); //和/或 使用Cake \Database\Type; Type :: build('datetime') - > useLocaleParser() - > setLocaleFormat('YYYY-mm-dd'); //和/或 使用Cake \I18n\I18n; I18n :: locale('pl_PL'); //和/或 使用Cake \I18n\Time; Time :: $ defaultLocale ='pl-PL'; // and or Time :: setToStringFormat('YYYY-mm-dd HH:mm'); //和或 Type :: build('datetime') - > useLocaleParser // and或 上面的代码都没有帮助。有没有人知道如何更改日期格式?解决方案在 config / bootstrap.php 文件中看到有 DATE , DATETIME 和 TIME 类型列。 $ c> date 类型不再映射到 Cake\I18n\Time ,而是到 \Cake \I18n\Date (或 \Cake\I18n\FrozenDate 时指示使用不可变对象),它需要单独配置,这就是为什么要更改 datetime 类型或 \Cake\I18n\Time 类配置不会影响您的 DATE 列。 要为后者配置格式,请使用 \Cake\I18n\Date 和/或 \Cake\I18n\FrozenDate 类和 date 类型。在你的引导,你可以做一些像 ini_set('intl.default_locale','pl_PL'); // ... Cake\I18n\Date :: setToStringFormat('yyyy-MM-dd'); Cake\I18n\FrozenDate :: setToStringFormat('yyyy-MM-dd'); \Cake\Database\Type :: build('date') - > useImmutable() - > useLocaleParser() - > setLocaleFormat('yyyy-MM-dd); 这将覆盖使用 pl_PL locale。请注意,您应该使用 yyyy 而不是 YYYY (因为后者定义 week-numbering year )和 MM 而不是 $ mm $ 请参阅 http://www.icu-project.org/apiref/icu4c/classSimpleDateFormat.html#details CakePHP在内部使用的intl格式化程序使用的格式。 还要注意,还有 \Cake\I18n\Date :: $ wordFormat 和 \Cake\I18n\Date:$ niceFormat ,您也可以更改。 另请参阅 源> cakephp / app> config / bootstrap.php API> \Cake\I18n\ DateFormatTrait :: i18nFormat() API> \Cake\I18n\Date :: $ wordFormat API> \Cake\I18n\Date :: $ niceFormat Cookbook> Date&时间>不可更改的日期和时间 食谱>国际化&本地化>解析本地日期时间数据 I try to set the default date format of CakePHP 3.2 from dd.mm.YYYY to YYYY-mm-dd, so I will not have to use $MyDatas->mydate->format('Y-m-d'), and what is more important in forms while editing data I will have date in format dd.mm.YYYY (ex- 27.02.2016). I need YYYY-mm-dd (2016-02-27).I looked for solutions and none display any changes (in forms or as part of view: $MyDatas->mydate):// in AppControllerini_set('intl.default_locale', 'pl_PL');//and/oruse Cake\Database\Type;Type::build('datetime')->useLocaleParser()->setLocaleFormat('YYYY-mm-dd');//and/oruse Cake\I18n\I18n;I18n::locale('pl_PL');//and/oruse Cake\I18n\Time; Time::$defaultLocale = 'pl-PL'; //and orTime::setToStringFormat('YYYY-mm-dd HH:mm');//and orType::build('datetime')->useLocaleParser(false);//and orNone of code above helped. Does anyone have any idea how I can change the date format? 解决方案 I guess you have been upgrading to CakePHP 3.2, otherwise you'd have seen in your config/bootstrap.php file that there are separate types for DATE, DATETIME and TIME type columns.With CakePHP 3.2 the date type doesn't mape to Cake\I18n\Time anymore, but to \Cake\I18n\Date (or \Cake\I18n\FrozenDate when instructed to use immutable objects), and it needs to be configured separately, which is why changing the datetime type, or the \Cake\I18n\Time class config won't affect your DATE columns.To configure formatting for the latter, use the \Cake\I18n\Date and/or \Cake\I18n\FrozenDate class and the date type. In your bootstrap, you could do something likeini_set('intl.default_locale', 'pl_PL');// ...Cake\I18n\Date::setToStringFormat('yyyy-MM-dd');Cake\I18n\FrozenDate::setToStringFormat('yyyy-MM-dd');\Cake\Database\Type::build('date') ->useImmutable() ->useLocaleParser() ->setLocaleFormat('yyyy-MM-dd');That would override the defaults that are being applied when using the pl_PL locale. Note that you should use yyyy instead of YYYY (as the latter defines the week-numbering year), and MM instead of mm (as the latter defines minutes).See http://www.icu-project.org/apiref/icu4c/classSimpleDateFormat.html#details for the format used by the intl formatter that CakePHP uses internally.Also note that there's also \Cake\I18n\Date::$wordFormat and \Cake\I18n\Date:$niceFormat which you may want to change too.See alsoSource > cakephp/app > config/bootstrap.phpAPI > \Cake\I18n\DateFormatTrait::i18nFormat()API > \Cake\I18n\Date::$wordFormatAPI > \Cake\I18n\Date::$niceFormatCookbook > Date & Time > Immutable Dates and TimesCookbook > Internationalization & Localization > Parsing Localized Datetime Data 这篇关于Cakephp 3.2更改默认日期格式的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!
09-20 22:53