


I was asked this question in an interview: Assume an infinite array of integers which is sorted. How would you search for an integer in this array? What would be time complexity?I guessed what the interviewer meant by infinite is that we dont know the value of 'n', where n is the index of the largest number in the array.I gave the following answer:

SEARCHINF(A,i,x){ // Assume we are searching for x
if (A(1) > x){
if(A(i) == x){
   return i;
    low = i;
    high = power(2,i);
    if (A(i)>x){
}// end else
}// end SEARCHINF method

这会发现在边界(低和高)(登录X + 1),在最坏的情况下,正值的排序从1开始和随后的数字是因之。然后二进制搜索要求:

This will find the bound(low and high) in (log x + 1) time in the worst case, when the sorted numbers start from 1 and subsequent numbers are consequent.Then the binary search requires:

O( log {2^(ceil(log x)) - 2^(floor(log x))} )


Is this correct? If correct, can this be optimized?


使用双索引的方法,直到你通过它,然后二进制搜索的区域,你只跳过了(它是什么样子的伪code是尝试做),花费的时间应为O(log n),其中n是您正在搜索的项目的索引。

Using the method of double your index until you pass it, then binary search the region you just jumped over (what it looks like your pseudocode is trying to do), the time spent should be O(log n) where n is the index of the item you are searching for.

它会带你(日志 N)试图找到正确的区域,然后((登录 N) - 1)试图找到 X 的区域内(因为你已经从0到n / 2搜查,你只需要搜索N /第2..N)。因此,为O(log N +日志 N - 1)= O(日志 N)

It will take you (log n) tries to find the correct region, and then ((log n) - 1) tries to find x within that region (since you already searched from 0..n/2, you only need to search n/2..n). Therefore, O(log n + log n - 1) = O(log n).

但是,如果无限阵列不包含 X 或大于 x值,你会从来不知道,因为你永远搜索

However, if the "infinite array" does not contain x or any value greater than x, you will never know, because you will search forever.


09-05 08:45