我有一个 C/S 程序.客户端使用套接字向服务器发送文件,在发送大约超过 700k 个数据后,客户端(在 win7 上)将收到套接字 10054 错误,这意味着连接被对等方重置.
I have a C/S program. Client use socket to send a file to server, after send approximate more than 700k data, client(on win7) will receive a socket 10054 error which means Connection reset by peer.
服务器在 CentOS 5.4 上运行,客户端是运行在 virtual box 中的 windows7 虚拟机.客户端和服务器通过虚拟网络接口进行通信.命令端口(发送日志)正常,但数据端口(发送文件)有问题.如果它是由于套接字缓冲区大小配置错误或其他原因引起的?如果有人可以帮我检查问题.谢谢.
Server worked on CentOS 5.4, client is windows7 virtual machine run in virtual box. client and server communicate via a virtual network interface.The command port(send log) is normal, but the data port(send file) have the problem.If it was caused by wrong configuration of socket buffer size or something else?If anyone can help me check the problem. Thanks.
每次我调用套接字发送一个缓冲区等于 4096 字节发送(套接字,缓冲区,4096,0)
Every time I call socket send a buffer equals 4096 bytesend(socket, buffer, 4096, 0 )
CentOS 套接字配置.
CentOS socket config.
#sysctl -a
net.ipv4.tcp_rmem = 4096 87380 4194304
net.ipv4.tcp_wmem = 4096 16384 4194304
net.ipv4.tcp_mem = 196608 262144 393216
net.ipv4.tcp_dsack = 1
net.ipv4.tcp_ecn = 0
net.ipv4.tcp_reordering = 3
net.ipv4.tcp_fack = 1
I'm not quite understand what the socket buffer configuration means, if this will cause the receive incomplete result problem?
It's almost definitely a bug in your code. Most likely, one side thinks the other side has timed out and so closes the connection abnormally. The most common way this happens it that you call a receive function to get data, but you actually already got that data and just didn't realize it. So you're waiting for data that you have already received and thus time out.
1) 客户端发送消息.
1) Client sends a message.
2) 客户端发送另一条消息.
2) Client sends another message.
3) 服务器读取两条消息,但认为它只收到一条,发送确认.
3) Server reads both messages but thinks it only got one, sends an acknowledge.
4) 客户端收到确认,等待服务器永远不会发送的第二次确认.
4) Client receives acknowledge, waits for second acknowledge which server will never send.
5) 服务器等待它实际上已经收到的第二条消息.
5) Server waits for second message which it actually already received.
现在服务器在等待客户端,客户端在等待服务器.服务器编码不正确,并没有意识到它实际上一次收到了两条消息.TCP 不保留消息边界.
Now the server is waiting for the client and the client is waiting for the server. The server was coded incorrectly and didn't realize that it actually got two messages in one go. TCP does not preserve message boundaries.
If you tell me more about your protocol, I can probably tell you in more detail what went wrong. What constitutes a message? Which side sends when? Are there any acknowledgements? And so on.
But the short version is that each side is probably waiting for the other.
Most likely, the connection reset by peer is a symptom. Your problem occurs, one side times out and aborts the connection. That causes the other side to get a connection reset because the other side aborted the connection.
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