

我正在尝试将 AngularJS CouchDB json 键入文档。任何人都可以提供有关这些集成的任何示例,例如可以工作和集成的任何CRUD示例,以便我可以执行任何crud操作并可以在数据库中/从数据库中保存/检索任何json文档。提前致谢。

I am trying to work with AngularJS and CouchDB with json type documents. Could you anyone please provide any examples on these integration like any CRUD examples to work and to integrate so that I can perform any crud operations and can save/retrieve any json documents in/from database. Thanks in advance.


您应该看看PouchDB--您可以将pouchdb用作http api并从angularJS服务连接到远程Couchdb数据库。如果您使用的是angular 1.2到1.5,也有几个pouchdb angular js模块可用。

You should take a look at PouchDB - https://pouchdb.com/ - you can use pouchdb as a http api and connect to a remote couchdb database from your angularJS services. There are also several pouchdb angular js modules available, if you are using angular 1.2 to 1.5.


You can get more information here: https://pouchdb.com/guides/setup-couchdb.html


09-26 12:08