


For obtaining client IP in WCF i use the following method:

public static byte[] GetUserIP(OperationContext context)
            var messageProperties = context.IncomingMessageProperties;
            RemoteEndpointMessageProperty endpointProperty =
                as RemoteEndpointMessageProperty;

            return GetIPFromString(endpointProperty.Address);

我的机器有一些本地IPv4,这种方法一直工作到昨天。是我们的网络管理员改变了一些;我不知道,但现在 endpointProperty.Address 返回:: 1而不是xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx。有人可以解释一下会导致这种情况的原因吗?

My machine has some local IPv4 and this method was working until yesterday.. May be our network admins changed something; i dont know, but now the endpointProperty.Address is returning "::1" and not "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx". Can someone explain what can cause such thing?



This is because your machine is now using IPv6 loopback instead of IPv4.

它还会影响内部网IP地址,因为您的管理员可能已经全面启用了IPv6 - 因此机器A将使用它的IPv6地址向机器B标识自己。

It will also affect intranet IP addresses as your Admins have likely enabled IPv6 across the board - so Machine A will identify itself to Machine B with it's IPv6 address.


In a public environment it's unlikely to cause a problem until the entire interweb moves to IPv6.

无论哪种方式,你都应该确保你使用 IPAddress 中的方法来解析端点的IP而不是自己动手。

Either way, you should ensure that you use the methods in IPAddress to parse the endpoint's IP rather than hand-cranking your own.


I also got caught out by a similar problem when I set up a database column that would be used to track IP addresses as varchar(15); worked greta until the same thing happened to us internally and all of a sudden all my request logging starting breaking on internal requests!


09-05 16:31