I've been looking all over for a solution but haven't found one so here's my code:
class snakeGame:
def _init_(self):
self._isRunning = False
self._surface = None
self.drawList = None
self.updateList = None
self.resources = loadResources()
self.width = 640
self.height = 400
self.size = [self.width,self.height]
def run(self,args):
self._surface = pygame.display.set_mode(self.size,pygame.HWSURFACE | pygame.DOUBLEBUF)
self._isRunning = True
when the "run" method is called python throws an AttributeError telling me that the instance of snakeGame has no attribute "size"
我对 python 还很陌生,并且 NNNOOO 知道为什么它看不到它.有人可以帮我吗?
i'm pretty new to python and have NNNOOO clue why it doesn't see it. Can someone help me?
also this is only a small snippet from the my code. If you need more, please ask. I just figured the problem was probably in here somewhere.
init 函数前后需要两个下划线:__init__
You need two underscores before and after the init function: __init__
. _init_
has no special meaning and isn't being called when your object is constructed.
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