I have huge (~7GB) json array of relatively small objects.
Is there relatively simple way to filter these objects without loading whole file into memory?
-stream 选项看起来合适,但我不知道如何将[path,value]的流折叠到原始对象.
--stream option looks suitable, but I can't figure out how to fold stream of [path,value] to original objects.
jq 1.5具有流解析器. jq FAQ 提供了有关如何转换顶部的示例级别的JSON对象数组放入其元素流中:
jq 1.5 has a streaming parser. The jq FAQ gives an example of how to convert a top-level array of JSON objects into a stream of its elements:
$ jq -nc --stream 'fromstream(1|truncate_stream(inputs))'
That may be enough for your purposes, but it is worthwhile noting that setpath/2 can be helpful. Here's how to produce a stream of leaflets:
jq -c --stream '. as $in | select(length == 2) | {}|setpath($in[0]; $in[1])'
jq手册中提供了更多信息和文档: https://stedolan.github.io/jq/manual/#Streaming
Further information and documentation is available in the jq manual:https://stedolan.github.io/jq/manual/#Streaming