


I have developed a sample c# COM-Visible DLL.
Built in x86 and registered via 32-bit Regasm, it executes well by COM Client.
Built in x64 and registered via 64-bit Regasm, the COM Client call drops the following error :

Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {A0F2F58F-7B98-3605-BEC9-84724FF1E824} failed due to the following error: 80040154.

我检查并确保该CLSID为present确实下HKCR \ CLSID注册表。

I checked and made sure that CLSID is present indeed in the registry under HKCR\CLSID.


Below is an example of simulating a COM Access via c# :

var type = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("ProgID.Interop.5683");
var obj = Activator.CreateInstance(type); // <-- blows here


I also checked via procmon that there is a successful access to the type via progIdThe question is, where is the Activator looking exactly ? and how to make it "see" my x64 registered assembly ? is there something I need to add somewhere ?


I have found many "solutions" advising an x86 re-build. But Come'on ! I am not going to do that and lose all x64 benefits just for COM's sake. Is there a "REAL" solution to that ?


在睡觉,有点事后诸葛亮的一个晚上,我想通了,需要从一个64位应用程序调用激活,以通过查看发现64 CLSID在64的位置在注册表中。也就是说,从一个x86应用程序调用时,Activaor看起来的CLSID和随后的关键,包括codeBase的在注册表中86的位置。

After a night of sleep and a little hindsight, I figured out that the Activator needed to be called from an x64 App, to find the x64 CLSID by looking in the x64 locations in the Registry.i.e, when called from an x86 App, Activaor looks in the x86 locations in the Registry for CLSID and subsequent key including codebase.

var type = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("ProgID.Interop.5683");
var obj = Activator.CreateInstance(type);


09-02 12:14