本文介绍了如何强制 Typesafe Activator 监听的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我最近在虚拟机上安装了 Typesafe Activator.Activator创建的应用程序可以通过端口转发访问,但是Activator好像监听localhost.如何将其更改为 WAN?

I recently installed Typesafe Activator to a VM. Applications created by activator can be accessed after port forwarding, but Activator seems to listen localhost. How to change this to WAN?


看起来像设置系统属性 http.addresshttp.port 现在可以完成这项工作,例如

It looks like setting system properties http.address and http.port will now do this job, e.g.

./activator -Dhttp.address= -Dhttp.port=80

将在端口 80 的 WAN 上启动 Activator(假设权限匹配等).

Would launch Activator on a WAN on port 80 (assuming matching permissions, etc).

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06-07 09:51