本文介绍了Typesafe Activator 中的 sbt 在哪里?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试使用带有 Play Framework 2.3.2.com/activator">类型安全激活器 1.2.3.每一份文档都告诉我它在幕后使用 sbt 来构建和运行项目.

I am trying out the Play Framework 2.3.2 using the offline installation with Typesafe Activator 1.2.3. Every piece of documentation tells me that it's using sbt under the covers to build and run projects.

这个 sbt 位于/安装在哪里?它是否位于包含 Activator 安装的解压缩文件夹中?

Where is this sbt located/installed? Is it somewhere in the unzipped folder that contained the Activator installation?

如何从命令行启动 sbt?它不在 PATH 上,因为运行 locate sbt 什么也没找到.

How do I start sbt from command line? It's not on the PATH as running locate sbt finds nothing.


activator-launcher-.jar 实际上是嵌入了附加属性文件的 sbt 启动器.

The activator-launcher-<version>.jar is actually the sbt launcher with an additional properties file embedded.

如果你运行 activator shell(或任何其他你可能在 sbt 中使用过的命令,比如 compilepackage),你就会启动 sbt自身依次执行命令.

If you run activator shell (or any other command you may have used with sbt like compile or package) you're starting sbt itself that in turn executes the commands.


Here's the path of applications that get launched:

  1. activator ui 启动激活器 UI,它启动子 sbt 进程来构建
  2. activator new 启动激活器模板创建终端应用程序.
  3. activator shellactivator 启动 sbt 本身.
  1. activator ui launches the activator UI which launches a sub-sbt process to build
  2. activator new launches the activator template creation terminal application.
  3. activator shell or activator <sbt input> launches sbt itself.

此外,activator 脚本会尝试检测它是否从UI"上下文运行,例如从 Windows 资源管理器或 OSX Finder 双击.如果是这样,脚本将自动以 UI 模式启动.

In addition, the activator script attempts to detect if it's run from a "UI" context, e.g. double-clicking from Windows Explorer or OSX Finder. If so, the script will automatically start in UI mode.

这篇关于Typesafe Activator 中的 sbt 在哪里?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

06-07 09:51