本文介绍了TypeSafe Activator安装错误的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我在安装Typesafe Activator时遇到问题.我从他们的网站下载了最新版本,将其解压缩,然后打开activator.bat,它将启动Web服务器,并不断向其发送垃圾邮件,直到崩溃:

I'm having a problem installing Typesafe Activator. I downloaded the latest version from their website, extracted it and then opened activator.bat, it starts the webserver and the keeps spamming an error until it crashes:

这很奇怪,因为它以前可以工作,但是我有点通过删除我所有的Activator文件(包括C:\ Users \ wouter中的.activator目录)来卸载"它.现在,我再次下载了该文件,并不断收到此错误,我尝试通过删除.activator目录来修复它,但这不起作用.也许我以前的安装中仍然隐藏了文件.

It's very weird because it worked before, but I kind of 'deinstalled' it by deleting all my Activator files (inlcuding the .activator directory in C:\Users\wouter). Now I downloaded it again and I keep getting this error, I tried fixing it by deleting the .activator directory but that doesn't work. Maybe there are still files hided from my previous installation.


It is very frustrating since I can't find any similar issues on the internet and just reinstalling does not work...




I did exactly the same thing, and here is how I fixed it:

在我的用户名目录(Windows 7 x64)中,有一个名为".sbt"的文件夹.其中有一个名为"boot"的文件夹.

In my username directory (Windows 7 x64) there was a folder named ".sbt". In there was a folder named "boot".


In there were a handful of scala folders, each folder a different version.


I deleted all of them except the latest scala version folder (scala-2.11.1).


Once I did that, Activator booted up successfully (right click on the Activator.bat file).

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06-07 09:49