else: sx2 = s1 sx3 = s3 如果len(s3)> = len (s1)和len(s3)> = len(s2): sx1 = s3 ## s3 ist l?ngster if len(s1)> = len(s2): sx2 = s1 sx3 = s2 else: sx2 = s2 sx3 = s1 之后,列表排序: sx1 = [" a"," b" ,c,d, sx2 = [" q"," e"," d"] sx3 = [" a"," b"] How to find the longst element list of lists? I think, there should be an easier way then this: s1 = ["q", "e", "d"]s2 = ["a", "b"]s3 = ["a", "b", "c", "d"] if len(s1) >= len(s2) and len(s1) >= len(s3):sx1=s1 ## s1 ist l?ngsterif len(s2) >= len(s3):sx2=s2sx3=s3else:sx2=s3sx3=s2 if len(s2) >= len(s3) and len(s2) >= len(s1):sx1=s2 ## s2 ist l?ngsterif len(s3) >= len(s1):sx2=s3sx3=s1else:sx2=s1sx3=s3 if len(s3) >= len(s1) and len(s3) >= len(s2):sx1=s3 ## s3 ist l?ngsterif len(s1) >= len(s2):sx2=s1sx3=s2else:sx2=s2sx3=s1 After, the list ist sorted: sx1 = ["a", "b", "c", "d"]sx2 = ["q", "e", "d"]sx3 = ["a", "b"] 推荐答案 Michael M. kirjoitti: Michael M. kirjoitti: 如何找到列表中最长的元素列表? 我认为应该有一个更简单的方法: s1 = [" q,e,d] s2 = [" a"," b"] s3 = [ a,b,c,d, < snip> 之后,列表排序: sx1 = [" a"," b"," c"," d"] sx2 = [" q"," e"," d"] sx3 = [" a"," b"] How to find the longst element list of lists?I think, there should be an easier way then this: s1 = ["q", "e", "d"] s2 = ["a", "b"] s3 = ["a", "b", "c", "d"]<snip>After, the list ist sorted: sx1 = ["a", "b", "c", "d"] sx2 = ["q", "e", "d"] sx3 = ["a", "b"] s1 = [" q"," e"," d"] s2 = [" a"," b"] s3 = [" a,b,c,d] ss =((len(s1),s1),(len(s2), s2),(len(s3),s3)) sx = [y for(x,y)in sorted(ss)[:: - 1]] 打印sx sx1,sx2,sx3 = sx 打印sx1,sx2,sx3 干杯, Jussi s1 = ["q", "e", "d"]s2 = ["a", "b"]s3 = ["a", "b", "c", "d"]ss = ((len(s1), s1), (len(s2), s2), (len(s3), s3))sx = [y for (x, y) in sorted(ss)[::-1]]print sxsx1, sx2, sx3 = sxprint sx1, sx2, sx3Cheers,Jussi Michael M.aécrit: Michael M. a écrit : 如何找到列表中最长的元素列表? How to find the longst element list of lists? 对于find的定义?你想要最长的 子列表的长度,它的索引,还是对它的引用? For what definition of "find" ? You want the lenght of the longestsublist, it''s index, or a reference to it ? 我想,应该这是一个更简单的方法: s1 = [" q"," e"," d"] s2 = [" a"," b"] s3 = [" a"," b"," c"," d"] I think, there should be an easier way then this: s1 = ["q", "e", "d"] s2 = ["a", "b"] s3 = ["a", "b", "c", "d"] 错误...这使得三个不同的列表,而不是列表列表。 Err... this makes three distinct lists, not a list of lists. 如果len(s1)> = len(s2)和len(s1)> = len(s3): sx1 = s1 ## s1 ist l?ngster 如果len(s2)> = len(s3) : sx2 = s2 sx3 = s3 否则: sx2 = s3 sx3 = s2 if len(s1) >= len(s2) and len(s1) >= len(s3): sx1=s1 ## s1 ist l?ngster if len(s2) >= len(s3): sx2=s2 sx3=s3 else: sx2=s3 sx3=s2 (剪掉重复的代码) 看起来是时候学习如何分解了重复... (snip repeated code) Looks like it would be time to learn how to factor out repetitions... 之后,列表是排序d: sx1 = [" a,b,c,d] sx2 = [" q"," e"," d"] sx3 = [" a"," b"] After, the list ist sorted: sx1 = ["a", "b", "c", "d"] sx2 = ["q", "e", "d"] sx3 = ["a", "b"] 这仍然不是列表清单。现在得到答案,sorted()是你的朋友: 打印排序([s1,s2,s3],key = list .__ len __,reverse =真) = [[''a'',''b'',''c'',''d'',[''q'',''e' ',''''',['''',''b'']] #或者如果你真的想要sx1,sx2和sx3: sx1,sx2,sx3 =已排序([s1,s2,s3],key = list .__ len __,reverse = True) 这样更容易吗? - ) This is still not a list of lists. Now for the answer, sorted() is yourfriend: print sorted([s1, s2, s3], key=list.__len__, reverse=True)=[[''a'', ''b'', ''c'', ''d''], [''q'', ''e'', ''d''], [''a'', ''b'']] # Or if you really want sx1, sx2 and sx3:sx1, sx2, sx3 = sorted([s1, s2, s3], key=list.__len__, reverse=True)Is that easier enough ?-) 2007年1月7日,Michael M.< mi ***** @ mustun.chwrote: On 1/7/07, Michael M. <mi*****@mustun.chwrote: 如何找到最长的列表元素列表? How to find the longst element list of lists? s1 = [" q"," e"," d"] s2 = [" a", b, s3 = [" a,b,c,d] s = [ s1,s2,s3] s.sort(key = len,reverse = True) 打印s [0]是s3 打印s [1]是s1 打印s [2]是s2 sx1,sx2,sx3 = s print' 'sx1:'',sx1 打印''sx2:'',sx2 打印'sx3:'',sx3 - Felipe。 s1 = ["q", "e", "d"]s2 = ["a", "b"]s3 = ["a", "b", "c", "d"] s = [s1, s2, s3]s.sort(key=len, reverse=True)print s[0] is s3print s[1] is s1print s[2] is s2 sx1, sx2, sx3 = sprint ''sx1:'', sx1print ''sx2:'', sx2print ''sx3:'', sx3 --Felipe. 这篇关于如何找到最长的列表元素列表的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!
10-24 09:15