I am trying to make a program that will find similar images from a dataset of images. The steps are
- 在提取SURF描述符的所有图像
- 存储描述符
- 应用KNN上存储的描述
- 在比赛中运用k近邻存储描述查询图像描述
Now each images SURF descriptor will be stored as Hierarchical k-means tree, now do I store each tree as a separate file or is it possible to build some sort of single tree with all the images descriptors and updated as images are added to dataset.
使用 KD树来代替。您将能够建立分层K维树,你只需要弄清楚什么样的信息发送到存储树。您可以保存图像的载体/描述到磁盘,每次加载KD树开始,你的计划。新计算机矢量/描述既可以是发送到树和磁盘
Use a KD-Tree instead. You will be able to build the hierarchical K-dimensional tree, you just need figure out what sort of information is sent down the tree to be stored. You can save the vectors/descriptors of the images onto the disk, load the KD-Tree every time you start-up your program. Newly computer vectors/descriptors can be both sent to the tree and the disk
- 创建描述符
- 订阅新的描述到KD树
- 保存相同的描述磁盘\
- 在每次重新启动,加载所有的描述符树
- 查询树给你的最佳匹配