

SURF 默认适用于灰色图像.我正在考虑对HSV图像进行SURF.我的方法是将通道分为H,S和V.我使用S和V进行关键点检测.我试图比较SV与RGB中关键点的数量,并且就通道而言,HSV提供了更多功能.

SURF by default works on Gray image. I am thinking to do SURF on HSV image. My method is to separate the channels into H, S and V. And I use S and V for keypoint detection. I tried to compare the number of keypoints in SV vs RGB and in terms of channel wise, HSV gives more features.


Not sure what I am doing is correct or not. Need some explanation of the possibility of applying SURF on HSV image. I have read a paper on applying SIFT on different color space but not SURF.

  1. 是否有更好的方法来实现这一目标?
  2. 我们可以将SURF应用于颜色,HSV空间吗?



  1. 我们可以将SURF应用于颜色,HSV空间吗?


I didn't test it, but as far as I know, SIFT and SURF use quite (in principle) similar detection techniques:


SIFT detector uses the Difference-of-Gaussian (DoG) technique to efficiently approximate the Laplacian-of-Gaussian (LoG), which both are Blob Detection techniques.

SURF检测器使用任意大小的 box-filters/box-blurs 来计算(或近似?) Hessian的行列式 Blob检测技术.

SURF detector uses box-filters/box-blurs of arbitrary size to compute (or approximate?) The determinant of the Hessian which is a Blob Detection technique.

这两种方法都使用某种策略来以多个比例来计算这些斑点(SIFT:DoG-金字塔; SURF:用于缩放滤镜尺寸的积分图像).最后,这两种方法都会检测给定2D数组中的 blob .

Both methods use some strategy to compute those blobs in multiple scales (SIFT: DoG-Pyramid; SURF: integral images to scale the filter sizes). At the end, both methods detect blobs in the given 2D array.


So if SIFT can detect good features in your (H)SV channels, SURF should be able to do the same because in principle they both detect blobs. What you will do is detecting blobs in the hue/saturation/value channel:

  • 色相:相似的色调区域被不同的(全部或全部或全部)色调所包围;

  • hue-blobs: regions of similar color-tone which are surrounded by different (all higher or all lower) color-tones;

saturation-blobs :...的区域是的?不知道该怎么解释;

saturation-blobs: regions of... yea of what? no idea how to interpret that;

value-blobs :应该给出与grayimage转换的RGB图像的blob非常相似的结果.

value-blobs: should give very similar results to the grayimage converted RGB image's blobs.

要添加的一件事:我正在处理检测器!不清楚颜色数据如何影响SIFT/SURF 说明.

One thing to add: I'm just handling the detector! No idea how SIFT/SURF description is influenced by color data.


07-18 09:13