I'd like to send email to third parties on behalf of users. The key is for the user's email to show up as the "from:" email.
视为发件人:"电子邮件.当我尝试使用namecheap的邮件服务器时,得到了SMTPRecipientsRefused: {u'<to email>': (553, '5.7.1 <from email>: Sender address rejected: not owned by user <EMAIL_HOST_USER>')}
I've tried using send_mail
with the user's email as the from_email
, but to no avail. When I used gmail's servers to send the message, the third party sees the EMAIL_HOST_USER
as the "from:" email. And when I tried using namecheap's mail server, I got SMTPRecipientsRefused: {u'<to email>': (553, '5.7.1 <from email>: Sender address rejected: not owned by user <EMAIL_HOST_USER>')}
If possible, I'd like to avoid asking for their password as well.
Short answer: You can't do that.
Back in the old days, mail servers used to be quite relaxed about posting mail whenever anyone asked them to, but then SPAM happened and people realised that it was actually quite important to check that the person sending an email is actually the person whose address appears in the From:
There are now several mechanisms in place that make it very difficult to spoof a sender email address. These include:
Sender Policy Framework (SPF): An email validation system that works by placing restrictions on the IP addresses authorised to send email from a particular email address. If you try sending email from an IP address not associated with the legitimate owner of an email address, your mail will be rejected.
DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM): A method for confirming that emails claiming to have originated from a particular mail server really did originate from that server.
邮件传输代理限制:如今,大多数MTA都配置为仅接受来自已经认识的人的电子邮件. (这就是为什么您看到Sender address rejected: not owned by user
Mail transfer agent restrictions: These days, most MTAs are configured to only accept emails from people who it already knows. (This is why you're seeing a Sender address rejected: not owned by user
error message).
相反,最好的选择-本质上是仅 选项-是将您自己的电子邮件地址放在From:
Instead, your best option — essentially your only option — is to put your own email address in the From:
header, and send the email from your own mail server. If you want the reply to go to someone else, add a Reply-To:
header containing their email address.