




  • 对于B,BL CBNZ,和CBZ指令时,PC的值是当前指令加上4字节的地址。

  • 对于使用标签所有其他指令,PC的值是当前指令加上4字节的地址,与位[1]清0的结果,使其字对齐的。



Simply saying, the value of the PC register points to the instruction after the next instruction. This is the thing I don't get. Usually (particularly on the x86) program counter register is used to point to the address of the next instruction to be executed.


So, what are the premises underlying that? Conditional execution, maybe?



It's a nasty bit of legacy abstraction leakage.


The original ARM design had a 3-stage pipeline (fetch-decode-execute). To simplify the design they chose to have the PC read as the value currently on the instruction fetch address lines, rather than that of the currently executing instruction from 2 cycles ago. Since most PC-relative addresses are calculated at link time, it's easier to have the assembler/linker compensate for that 2-instruction offset than to design all the logic to 'correct' the PC register.

当然,这一切都坚定地对的事情,30年前是有道理的堆。现在想象如何才能保持一个有意义的值在寄存器今天的15+级,多发射,乱序管道,你可能AP preciate为什么它很难找到一个CPU的设计师,这些天谁认为露出PC作为寄存器是一个不错的主意。

Of course, that's all firmly on the "things that made sense 30 years ago" pile. Now imagine what it takes to keep a meaningful value in that register on today's 15+ stage, multiple-issue, out-of-order pipelines, and you might appreciate why it's hard to find a CPU designer these days who thinks exposing the PC as a register is a good idea.


Still, on the upside, at least it's not quite as horrible as delay slots. Instead, contrary to what you suppose, having every instruction execute conditionally was really just another optimisation around that prefetch offset. Rather than always having to take pipeline flush delays when branching around conditional code (or still executing whatever's left in the pipe like a crazy person), you can avoid very short branches entirely; the pipeline stays busy, and the decoded instructions can just execute as NOPs when the flags don't match. Again, these days we have effective branch predictors and it ends up being more of a hindrance than a help, but for 1985 it was cool.

* ...的指令与这个星球上最NOP指令集。


08-19 16:21