


I want to compare the username and password entered up against two arrays one for the username and one for the password. That hasn't work. Also, I have tried using a dictionary but no luck with that.

namespace PracticeLogin
    public partial class PasswordPracticeForm : Form
       /* Dictionary<string, string> Credentials = new Dictionary<string, string>
            {"joseph", "password1"},
            ("william", "password2"),
        };*/ //initially tried the above to test the input user and pass against

        /* also tried the following
         * var[] userArr = { "joseph", "william" };
         * var[] passArr = {"password1", password2"};
         * */
        static private Authenticator auth = new Authenticator();

        public PasswordPracticeForm()

            InitializeMyControl(); //see line 53-63


        private void label1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

            var username = txtBoxUserName.ToString();
            var password = txtPassword.ToString();

            var isvalid = auth.ValidateCredentials(username, password);
            if (isvalid)
                MessageBox.Show("You are authenticated!");
                MessageBox.Show("invalid login information!");


        private void InitializeMyControl() // refer to line 25. this is supposed to make each character of the password display as and asterisk. 
            //instead only shows asterisk in first spot then just shows every character of  the pass instead. retrieved this code from 
        //https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa983584(v=vs.71).aspx but it was not clear on where to put it.  
            //set to no text.
            txtPassword.Text = "";
            //set password characters as asterisk
            txtPassword.Text = "*";
            //password length

            txtPassword.MaxLength = 25;


class Authenticator
    private Dictionary<string, string> Credentials = new Dictionary<string, string>();
    public Authenticator()
        //username and password
        Credentials.Add("joseph", "password1");
        Credentials.Add("williams", "password");

    public bool ValidateCredentials(string username, string password)
        return Credentials.Any(entry => entry.Key == username && entry.Value == password);






What I have tried:

I have tried different things I have found doing searches on google and other sites such as MSDN, Stackoverflow, Here, a few others and still no luck.

Thank you for you help.

Also, this is not related to school work or any job related task. I am a disabled Navy veteran and just trying to think of different things to do to gain more experience. The last course I took on C# was in 2014. It will be about a year before I am able to take any more.

Thank you again.


private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // Use the Text property to access the text the user has entered
    // Converting the control itself to a string (txtBoxUserName.ToString()) returns the
    // type of the conrtol as text, not what the user has entered into it
    var username = txtBoxUserName.Text;
    var password = txtPassword.Text;

    var isvalid = auth.ValidateCredentials(username, password);
    if (isvalid)
        MessageBox.Show("You are authenticated!");
        MessageBox.Show("invalid login information!");

private void InitializeMyControl()
    // to make a password box set what the password character is
    txtPassword.PasswordChar = '*'; 
    txtPassword.MaxLength = 25;

Dictionary<string, string> userData = new Dictionary<string, string>();
userData["joseph"] = "password1";
userData["william"] = "password2";
string userinputName = "joseph";
string userInputPassword = "password1";
if (userData.ContainsKey(userinputName))
    if (userData[userinputName] == userInputPassword)
        Console.WriteLine("Failed to match");
    Console.WriteLine("Unknown user");

这不是我要做的 - 我可能会创建一个包含名称和(哈希)密码的User类 - 但它应该做你想要什么!

It's not quite what I would do - I'd probably create a User class which contained the name and (hashed) password - but it should do what you want!


10-27 16:18