

以编程方式(即通过 ScriptApp.newTrigger())创建触发器时,它是否始终指向头部"部署或最新发布(版本化)的部署?(请参见此处.)

When creating a trigger programmatically, i.e. through ScriptApp.newTrigger(), does it always point to the "head" deployment, or the most recent published (versioned) deployment? (See documentation on deployment types here.)


For context, I'm distributing a script in a multi-user environment which relies on triggers to run every few minutes. I'm trying to ensure that changes made in development (i.e. before publishing those changes) are not picked up immediately by all the clients of the script, as this effectively means any code updates in dev are instantly live for all users.


If triggers can only point to head deployments, what are best practices for pointing them at code which can be safely updated in dev (head version)?


  1. 您想知道,当 ScriptApp.newTrigger()安装触发器时,将使用哪个版本的脚本.
  2. 您想通过选择脚本版本来了解安装触发器的方法.
  1. You want to know that when a trigger is installed by ScriptApp.newTrigger(), which version of script is used.
  2. You want to know the method for installing a trigger by selecting version of script.


I understand your question like above. If my understanding is correct, how about this answer? Please think of this as one of several answers.

  • 通过 ScriptApp.newTrigger()安装触发器时,尽管当前项目的触发器"中未显示"Deployment"的值,但最新的脚本由已安装的脚本运行扳机.这种情况与脚本的版本无关.使用当前最新的脚本.

  • When a trigger is installed by ScriptApp.newTrigger(), although the value of "Deployment" is not shown in "Current project's triggers", the latest script is run by the installed trigger. This situation is independent of the version of script. The current latest script is used.


If the trigger is manually installed, you can select the deployment version at "Choose which deployment should run".

  • 不幸的是,在当前阶段,脚本尚无法实现.我认为这可能会在将来的更新中实现.


In order to install a trigger by selecting version of script, as a workaround, I would like to propose to use a library. The flow of this workaround is as follows. This is a sample flow.

  1. 创建2个独立项目.
    • 一个用作库.
    • 另一个用作使用该库的项目.
  • 将库安装到该项目.
  • 您可以通过选择库的版本来选择要使用户运行的脚本.
  • 触发器已安装到该项目.


  • 您还可以在清单文件(appsscript.json)中查看库的版本.可以通过脚本修改此文件.这样,您还可以通过脚本触发器使用脚本来修改脚本的版本.
  • 如果我误解了你的问题,对不起.

    If I misunderstand your question, I'm sorry.


10-24 14:38