


In the link below there is an explanation of the map method on the Pool class.

似乎阻塞,直到结果准备好为止.这意味着在运行pool.map之后无需执行pool.close(); pool.join(),但是在博客.

It seems that it blocks until the result is ready. This implies that there is no need to do pool.close(); pool.join() after running pool.map, however it is demo'd in this way in this blog.


Am I missing something or is there a need to do pool.close after running pool.map (as opposed to pool.map_async? Note I am using [multiprocessing.dummy][2], which is provides a similar api to multiprocessing, but uses threading under the covers.

https://docs.python. org/2/library/multiprocessing.html#multiprocessing.pool.multiprocessing.Pool.map



pool.close tells the pool not to accept any new job.


pool.join tells the pool to wait until all jobs finished then exit, effectively cleaning up the pool.


So blocking the parent process is just a side effect of what pool.join is doing.

的确,当您调用pool.map()时,父进程被阻塞,直到map返回结果.但是,在使用closejoin pool之后,这是一个好习惯,以便更好地管理资源和控制异常.

It's true that when you call pool.map(), the parent process is blocked until map returns result. But it's a good practice to close and join the pool after using it, to better manage resource and control exceptions.


10-23 02:24