


我们尝试上载使用Power View的Excel文件,并使其通过SharePoint中的Excel服务呈现.我们未使用网络应用服务器,因此正在尝试通过/_layouts/15/xlviewer.aspx正确呈现文件.我测试了报告 本地,并且可以在Excel中打开而没有问题.

We trying to upload a excel file that uses power view and have it rendered through excel services in SharePoint. We are not using a web apps server so the file is trying to be rendered properly through /_layouts/15/xlviewer.aspx. I tested the report locally and it opens in Excel without issue.


I do not get an error message, only the below image. Any idea what I am missing?


看看屏幕截图,我知道Power View Services未在SharePoint中配置.

Looking at the screenshot, I understand Power View Services is not configured in SharePoint.


Check if the below links helps you:

Power View Sheets无法在浏览器中呈现

在SharePoint中创建Power View报表 

此外,请确保您具有SP 2013和SQL Server 2012 SP 1才能使用Power View.还有一点需要检查-Power View是基于银色指示灯的应用程序,因此请确保您的计算机中安装了最新版本的浏览器或银色指示灯.

Also, make sure you have SP 2013 with SQL Server 2012 SP 1 to use Power View. One more point to check - Power View is a silver light based application and hence make sure you have the latest version of browser or silver light installed in your machine.

另一个选择是使用Page Viewer Web部件而不是Excel Web Access Web部件来显示报告

One more option will be using Page Viewer Web Part instead of Excel Web Access web part to display the reports


10-14 08:32