

我正在拨打邮递员呼叫,并且它会以不同的标头进行响应,例如访问令牌客户端 uid 等检索它们的值并保存在环境变量中,这样我就不必每次都设置 access-token 。谁能指导我该怎么做。

I'm making postman call and it responds with different headers e.g. access-token, client, uid etc I want to retrieve their values and save in environment variables so that I don't have to set access-token every time. Can anyone guide me how to do this. Thanks in advance.


var access-token = postman.getResponseHeader("access-token");
var uid = postman.getResponseHeader("uid");

pm.environment.set("access-token", access-token);
pm.environment.set("uid ", uid);

OR 较短的方式

pm.environment.set("access-token", postman.getResponseHeader("access-token"));
pm.environment.set("uid ", postman.getResponseHeader("uid"));

var jsonData = JSON.parse(responseBody);
var uid = jsonData.uid;
var access-token = jsonData.access-token;

pm.environment.set("access-token", access-token);
pm.environment.set("uid ", uid);

OR 较短的方法-

pm.environment.set("access-token", jsonData.access-token);
pm.environment.set("uid ", jsonData.uid);


note- this will only work if response body is only one json object, in other cases path will change to access the required values.


FYI - You might wondering why there is pm and postman


09-09 06:59