

我理解行为的区别。 Date()返回表示当前日期的String, new Date()返回Date对象的实例,我可以打电话的方法。

I understand the difference in behavior. Date() returns a String representing the current date, and new Date() returns an instance of the Date object whose methods I can call.

但我不知道为什么。 JavaScript是原型,因此 Date 是一个函数一个对象,它具有也是对象的成员函数(方法)。但我没有编写或阅读任何行为方式的JavaScript,我想了解其中的区别。

But I don't know why. JavaScript is prototyped, so Date is a function and an object which has member functions (methods) which are also objects. But I haven't written or read any JavaScript that behaves this way, and I'd like to understand the difference.


Can somebody show me some sample code of a function that has a method, returns an instance with the new operator, and outputs a String when called directly? i.e. how does something like this happen?

Date();                   // returns "Fri Aug 27 2010 12:45:39 GMT-0700 (PDT)"
new Date();               // returns Object
new Date().getFullYear(); // returns 2010
Date().getFullYear();     // throws exception!

非常具体的要求,我知道。我希望这是件好事。 :)

Very specific request, I know. I hope that's a good thing. :)


大部分都可以自己做。根据ECMA规范,在没有 new 的情况下调用裸构造函数并获取字符串对于 Date 是特殊的,但是您可以模拟某些东西类似的。

Most of this is possible to do yourself. Calling the bare constructor without new and getting a string is special for Date per the ECMA spec, but you can simulate something similar for that.

这是你如何做到的。首先在构造函数模式中声明一个对象(例如,一个用 new 调用的函数,它返回这个 reference:

Here's how you'd do it. First declare an object in the constructor pattern (e.g. a function that is intended to be called with new and which returns its this reference:

var Thing = function() {
    // Check whether the scope is global (browser). If not, we're probably (?) being
    // called with "new". This is fragile, as we could be forcibly invoked with a
    // scope that's neither via call/apply. "Date" object is special per ECMA script,
    // and this "dual" behavior is nonstandard now in JS.
    if (this === window) {
        return "Thing string";

    // Add an instance method.
    this.instanceMethod = function() {
        alert("instance method called");

    return this;

新事物可以在它们上面调用 instanceMethod()。现在只需在Thing上添加一个静态函数:

New instances of Thing can have instanceMethod() called on them. Now just add a "static" function onto Thing itself:

Thing.staticMethod = function() {
    alert("static method called");


var t = new Thing();
// or...
new Thing().instanceMethod();
// and also this other one..
// or just call it plain for the string:


08-04 03:28