本文介绍了AngularJS 复合组件的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I'm trying to create a component that contains multiple child components. I'm creating a collection of directives that other developers on my team can use to create custom search forms. For example, they would create markup like:

<search-panel name="myCustomSearch">
    <search-field name="dates" type="dateRange"></search-field>
    <search-field name="categories" type="categorySelector" data="{{categories}}"></search-field>

我有一个搜索面板指令和几个搜索字段指令.搜索面板充当容器,每个搜索字段都提供特定类型的字段(日期范围、提前类型、类别选择器等).每个搜索字段在其范围内都有一个 value 属性,我试图找出一种方法,让父搜索面板指令在其范围内有一个属性,该属性包含所有子搜索字段的键值集合.

I have a search panel directive and several search field directives. The search panel acts as a container and the search fields each provides a specific type of field (date range, type ahead, category selector, etc). Each search field has a value property in it's scope and I am trying to figure out a way to have the parent search panel directive have a property in it's scope that contains a key, value collection of all of the child search fields.


I've got both directives rendering correctly, but I'm not sure how to either make the search-panel aware of/have access to all the child components.


您可以使用 require 在 search-field 指令中要求一个 search-panel 控制器:'^searchPanel'

You can require in search-field directive a search-panel controller using require:'^searchPanel'


Then in link function you'll have a link to that controller, so those directives could add themselves into some array (I assuemm each search field has its isolated scope):

link: function(scope, elem, attrs, spCtrl) {
  spCtrl.fields.push({name: attrs.name, scope: scope});


(ofcourse, you could add not whole scope, but some object, then watch for changes and update value field of that object.

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05-26 22:01