


My Octave crashes when I execute plot command. I found a solution in Assad Ebrahim's answer. He mentioned to switch the default toolkit to gnuplot, and change it in octave.rc file if I want to make the change permanently but I'm not clear about the permanent change in octaverc. When I open my octaverc with notepad++, it looks like this:

## System-wide startup file for Octave.
## This file should contain any commands that should be executed each
## time Octave starts for every user at this site.
EXEC_PATH (cstrcat (fullfile (OCTAVE_HOME, 'notepad++'), pathsep,
EXEC_PATH (cstrcat (fullfile (OCTAVE_HOME, 'bin'), pathsep, EXEC_PATH));
EDITOR (fullfile (OCTAVE_HOME, 'notepad++', 'notepad++.exe'));


What should I change and how?



First, the direct answer to your question is to append any command you want executed on startup to the end of the .octaverc file. So, to set a particular graphics toolkit you would add the line:





For whichever toolkit you want.

现在,正如@Andy指出的那样,如果您使用的是Windows,则可能是您误解了崩溃的长时间延迟.仍未完全解决的Windows错误涉及以下事实:在第一个绘图上,Windows可能需要创建字体缓存文件.这可能需要很长时间.一旦完成,大多数后续绘图将更快.在以下错误报告页面上可以找到一些有关它的信息: https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?45458

Now, as pointed out by @Andy, if you are using Windows, it may be that you are misinterpreting a long delay for a crash. A still not entirely resolved windows bug concerns the fact that on the first plot Windows might need to create a font cache file. This can take a long time. Once this is complete, most subsequent plots will be much faster. Some info can be found about it at the following bug report page:https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?45458

自发布此答案以来,上面链接的错误已得到很大程度上解决.现在,安装过程的一部分将更新字体缓存文件.如果使用zip软件包而不是可执行安装程序,则应在提取八度后执行一个批处理文件,以确保完成此操作.有关详细信息,请访问: http://wiki.octave.org/Octave_for_Microsoft_Windows

in the time since this answer was posted, the bug linked above has been largely resolved. Part of the installation process now updates the font-cache file. If using a zip package rather than an executable installer, there is a batch file that should be run after extracting octave to ensure that this is done. Details are available at:http://wiki.octave.org/Octave_for_Microsoft_Windows


09-06 00:51