You're using incompatible libraries. The first paragraph of the OCI8 requirements documentation states (emphasis mine):您的屏幕快照显示您已启用php_oci8和php_oci8_11g.如OCI8 安装文档中所述,您应该仅启用其中一个扩展. (再次强调我的意思):Your screenshot shows you've enabled php_oci8 and php_oci8_11g. You should enable only one of the extensions, as stated in the OCI8 installation documentation (again, emphasis mine):已安装并已启用,但未正确配置.您的屏幕截图显示了PHP是如何编译的以及各种代码作者,而与您当前的配置无关.It's installed and enabled, but not configured correctly. Your screenshots show how PHP was compiled and the various code authors, not anything about your current configuration.要使扩展程序正常运行,请尝试以下操作:To get the extension working try the following:卸载并删除客户端版本8"的所有痕迹.安装Oracle InstantClient 11g或12c.这通常意味着只需将.zip文件提取到一个文件夹中,例如c:\instantclient_12_1.在InstantClient下载页面上,在InstantClient下载链接之后的行上有一个指向所需VC ++运行时的链接.下载并安装.更新您的PATH环境变量,以包括提取InstantClient文件的位置,例如c:\instantclient_12_1.在php.ini中启用php_oci8_11g.dll 或 php_oci8_12c.dll.Uninstall and remove all traces of the 'Client version 8'.Install Oracle InstantClient 11g or 12c. This typically means simply extracting the .zip file to a folder, e.g. c:\instantclient_12_1.On the InstantClient download page there is a link to the required VC++ runtime on the line after the InstantClient download link. Download and install it.Update your PATH environment variable to include the location where you extracted the InstantClient files, e.g. c:\instantclient_12_1.In php.ini enable either php_oci8_11g.dll or php_oci8_12c.dll.您可能需要重新启动,以确保PATH更改对系统可见.You might need to reboot to ensure the PATH change is visible to the system.请注意,WAMP可能包含多个php.ini文件.确保编辑正确的内容.Be aware that WAMP might include multiple php.ini files. Make sure to edit the correct one. 这篇关于PHP Oracle Client oci8的安装有什么问题的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
08-26 07:07