

我使用的是 codeigniter 2.1.4

I am using codeigniter 2.1.4

因为我使用 form_validation 库进行表单验证.

In that I am using form_validation library for form validation.


When I try to run that function I get following error



I have scanned all of the files. I am not using or calling this language file in any file still and I am getting this error.

function insert(){

    $this->form_validation->set_rules('username_field', 'username', 'required');
    $this->form_validation->set_rules('firstname_field', 'firstname', 'required');
    $this->form_validation->set_rules('lastname_field', 'lastname', 'required');
    $this->form_validation->set_rules('email_field', 'email', 'required|valid_email|callback_isEmailExist');

    if ($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE) {



function isEmailExist($email) {
    $is_exist = $this->users->isEmailExist($email);

    if ($is_exist) {
            'isEmailExist', 'Email address is already exist.'
        return false;
    } else {
        return true;



CI form_validation library uses language file for display error message.You are using required valid_email那些错误信息写在form_validation_lang.php中.

CI form_validation library uses language file for display error message.You are using required valid_email those error message is written inside form_validation_lang.php.

form_validation 库自己加载语言文件(form_validation_lang.php),不管你是否加载.你可以打开库文件,看看你会看到的运行函数一行 $this->CI->lang->load('form_validation');

form_validation library loads the language file(form_validation_lang.php) itself whether you load or not.You can open the library file and look at the run function you will see a line $this->CI->lang->load('form_validation');

此文件位于您的system/language/your_language/application/language/your_language/ 中.

This file located either inside your system/language/your_language/ or application/language/your_language/.

该错误消息表明您错过了任何文件夹中的文件.如果您下载原始 CI 文件,它应该位于 system/language/english/ 文件夹中.如果您没有看到文件 download CI 并在那里恢复文件.

That error message says you missed the file inside any of the folder.If you download the original CI files it should be inside system/language/english/ folder.If you don't see the file download CI and restore the file there.


10-25 08:58