

我想做一个brew upgrade,并告诉自制软件不要升级erlang公式,因为最新的公式在我的系统上不起作用.

I want to do a brew upgrade and tell homebrew do not upgrade the erlang formula since the latest one does not work on my system.

是否可以做类似homebrew upgrade --skip erlang的事情?

Is it possible do do something like homebrew upgrade --skip erlang?


我终于找到了答案:自从提交 85eb73ce 有一个pin子命令可用.因此,忽略brew upgrade上的公式就像通过brew pin <formula>固定它一样简单.要取消固定,只需调用brew unpin <formula>.

I finally found an answer: since commit 85eb73ce there is a pin subcommand available. So ignoring a formula on brew upgrade is as simple as pinning it via brew pin <formula>. To un-pin it, simply invoke brew unpin <formula>.

值得注意的是,无论是否固定该brew upgrade <formula>都会继续更新该公式.

It is worth noting that brew upgrade <formula> will still update the formula regardless of whether or not it is pinned.


10-14 03:49