


Hoping to get some assistance on how this would be represented in a database table (3rd normal form). I feel what I have done is incorrect. I understand that with a one to many association, the primary key from the "1" table (in this instance Alert) should be included in it's child classes however I am unsure what the Primary Key should be for Text Response & VoiceResponse?


What I have does not look correct but I do know that each object requires a uniqueId. Note: The ObservationId attribute is from a 1 to many class that has been cut out of the pic.


The tables I have so far are:

警告:AlertId(PK),AlertType, ObservationId

Alert: AlertId (PK), AlertType, ObservationId

TextResponse:TextResponseId(PK) AlertID(FK),TextResponse

TextResponse: TextResponseId (PK), AlertID (FK), TextResponse

语音响应:VoiceResponseId(PK) AlertId(FK),SoundClip

VoiceResponse: VoiceResponseId (PK), AlertId (FK), SoundClip



我在这里看到了可能的依赖关系,也许您忽略了它.仅当 AlertId 与文本/声音内容之间没有任何关系时,才可以对您当前的设计进行规范化.但是,实际上,您可能会看到同一警报多次发生.在当前设计下,您将多次存储相同的文本/语音内容.要解决此问题,您可以通过将两个响应表更改为纯桥表来重构:

I can see a possible dependency here which perhaps you overlooked. Your current design would only be normalized if there were no relationship between an AlertId and the text/sound content. But, in practice, you would probably see the same alerts happening multiple times. Under your current design, you would be storing the same text/voice content multiple times. To fix this, you can refactor by changing the two response tables into pure bridge tables:

TextAlert:  TextResponseId,  AlertID (primary key is both columns)
VoiceAlert: VoiceResponseId, AlertId (PK both columns)


Then, create two new tables to store the actual text/voice content:

TextResponse:  TextResponseId  (PK), TextResponse
VoiceResponse: VoiceResponseId (PK), SoundClip


Now your design is robust to the same alert content appearing more than once.


Another comment I can make is that in practice you might want to have just one response table, which can store either text or sounds, perhaps as a blob.


05-20 08:12