My current build lead has a great idea in theory - construct a custom Log4J appender that takes in Spring-managed beans and uses them to log errors to various other sources than just the standard log file. However, other than creating a singleton initialized at startup with the application context (code in just a moment), I can't seem to think of any other options of retrieving a Spring managed bean in a Log4J appender.
public class SpringSingleton implements ApplicationContextAware {
private static ApplicationContext context;
public SpringSingleton() {
public static ApplicationContext getContext() {
return SpringSingleton.context;
public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext context) {
if(SpringSingleton.context != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Context is already set!");
SpringSingleton.context = context;
Ideally, these properties could be set just like beans in Spring via dependency injection - the bean references will never change, no matter how many appenders are initialized. Any ideas?
由于log4j必须在之前初始化,因此您将遇到boostrap问题。 >春天。是否使用或Log4j的标准初始化程序,它必须在应用程序上下文启动之前启动。
You're going to have a boostrap problem since log4j has to be initialized before Spring. Whether you're using a custom configuration or Log4j's standard initializer, it has to be up before application context is.
现在,您可以在理论上使自定义附加程序懒惰地初始化自己(或者通过您上面建议的方法,或者通过使附加程序本身成为半单身人士-例如,附加程序类具有静态实例字段,该字段由 afterPropertiesSet()
Now, you could in theory make your custom appenders "lazily" initialize themselves (either via approach you've suggested above or by making appenders themselves "semi" singletons - e.g. appender class has a static instance field which gets populated by afterPropertiesSet()
method; that way you can create appender itself as bean within Spring) but it seems somewhat messy and inconsistent.
另一种方法是在初始化Spring上下文后动态重新配置Log4j。例如编写进行捕获 ContextStartedEvent
,从上下文中获取所有 Appender
Another approach is to dynamically reconfigure Log4j once Spring context is initialized; e.g. write a listener to catch a ContextStartedEvent
, obtain all beans of type Appender
from the context and add them to Log4j configuration. This will also allow you to create your appenders as beans but avoid singleton mess somewhat.
这篇关于在Spring管理的Web应用程序内的Log4J Appender中检索Spring管理的bean的可用选项是什么?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!