


Does anybody know, with confidence if the (default) rate limit of 2 connections per host applies to System.Net.Http.HttpClient.


Please state the source of your information and whether this limit can be increased like this or whether there is a better/easier way to do it.


Also, is there a limiter implementation? e.g. 40 calls per minute top?

有一篇很好的文章介绍了使用Reactive Extensions的节流策略,但我想知道是否存在HttpClient方式。

There is a good article on a throttling tactic using Reactive Extensions here but I was wondering if there is a HttpClient way to do it.


根据(请参见备注的第三段), HttpClient 默认情况下使用 HttpWebRequest 。而且 HttpWebRequest 当然每个主机有两个并发连接限制。

According to the documentation (see the third paragraph of Remarks), HttpClient uses a HttpWebRequest by default. And HttpWebRequest certainly does have the two concurrent connections per host limitation.

HttpClient 没有说 HttpClientHandler (默认值)是否更改了 HttpWebRequest 中的任何默认值。我会怀疑的。

HttpClient doesn't say if the HttpClientHandler (the default) changes any of the defaults in HttpWebRequest. I would suspect not.

如果要更改此设置,则必须创建自己的并将引用传递给 HttpClient 构造函数。

If you want to change that, you'll have to create your own HttpMessageHandler and pass a reference to the HttpClient constructor.


10-20 00:23