

我正在尝试在 Excel 中自动填充公式.我的意思是我试图获得一列前 26 行的平均值,然后是同一列接下来 26 行的平均值,依此类推.

I am trying to autofill a formula in Excel. What I mean by that is that I'm trying to have the average of the first 26 rows of a column, then the average of the next 26 rows of the same column, and so on.

我有一个非常大的数据文件,所以我无法手动完成.这个想法是将一系列数据点缩放为每秒数据点,我每秒大约有 26 个数据点.

I have a pretty large data file, so I can't do it manually. The idea is to scale a series of data points to data points per second, and I have about 26 data points per second.

到目前为止,我已经尝试过手动操作,只是将公式向下拖动,这不起作用,因为平均值从第 2 行到第 27 行,而不是从第 26 行到第 52 行.

So far I have already tried doing it manually, and just dragging the formulas down, which doesn't work since the average goes from row 2 to 27 instead of from row 26 to 52, for example.



Your formula for first row to autofill directly can be:



07-17 20:20