

我有一个 &[T] 类型的变量 a;如何获得对 a 子切片的引用?

I have a variable a of type &[T]; how can I get a reference to a subslice of a?

举个具体的例子,我想得到 a 的前半部分和后半部分,前提是 a.len() 是偶数.

As a concrete example, I'd like to get the first and second halves of a, provided a.len() is even.



fn main() {
    let data: &[u8] = b"12345678";
    println!("{:?} - {:?}", &data[..data.len()/2], &data[data.len()/2..]);




给出从 slice 派生的切片,从 start_idx 开始,到 end_idx-1 结束(即右侧索引处的项不包括在内).可以省略任何一个索引(甚至两个),这意味着相应的零或切片长度.

which gives a slice derived from slice, starting at start_idx and ending at end_idx-1 (that is, item at the right index is not included). Either index could be omitted (even both), which would mean zero or slice length, correspondingly.


Note that if you want to split a slice at some position into two slices, it is often better to use split_at() method:

let data = b"12345678";
let (left, right): (&[u8], &[u8]) = data.split_at(4);


Moreover, this is the only way to obtain two mutable slices out of another mutable slice:

let mut data: Vec<u8> = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8];
let data_slice: &mut [u8] = &mut data[..];
let (left, right): (&mut [u8], &mut [u8]) = data_slice.split_at_mut(4);

然而,这些基本的东西在关于 Rust 的官方书籍中有解释.如果你想学习 Rust,你应该从那里开始.

However, these basic things are explained in the official book on Rust. You should start from there if you want to learn Rust.


10-15 04:42