


let addTwo x y = x + y
let incr a = addTwo 1
let added = addTwo 2 2



F#是一种急切求值的语言,因此,像addTwo 2 2这样的表达式将立即被求值为int类型.

相比之下, Haskell则被懒惰地评估.像addTwo 2 2这样的表达式在需要该值之前不会被求值.不过,表达式的类型仍将是单个整数.即使这样,这种表达式尽管很懒惰,也不能被认为是一个函数.在Haskell中,这种未经评估的表达式称为 thunk .这基本上只是意味着尚未评估的任意复杂的表达式".

Curried functions in F#. I get the bit where passing in a subset of parameters yields a function with presets. I just wondered if passing all of the parameters is any different. For example:

let addTwo x y = x + y
let incr a = addTwo 1
let added = addTwo 2 2

incr is a function taking one argument.Is added an int or a function? I can imagine an implementation where "added" is evaluated lazily only on use (like Schroedinger's Cat on opening the box). Is there any guarantee of when the addition is performed?


F# is an eagerly evaluated language, so an expression like addTwo 2 2 will immediately be evaluated to a value of the int type.

Haskell, by contrast, is lazily evaluated. An expression like addTwo 2 2 will not be evaluated until the value is needed. The type of the expression would still be a single integer, though. Even so, such an expression is, despite its laziness, not regarded as a function; in Haskell, such an unevaluated expression is called a thunk. That basically just means 'an arbitrarily complex expression that's not yet evaluated'.


08-21 17:52